Author: alfy

ECOBATE 2014 – 2. John Kay: Have Banking Lessons been Learned?

Prof Don Nutbeam, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Southampton introduced Prof John Kay whose talk was headed: ‘Have Banking Lessons been Learned?’. He can also be seen on a video interview given to Information Daily at Winchester Ecobate 2014. He wants structural changes to the banking and financial environment rather than more and more detailed regulations and rules…

ECOBATE 2014 – 1 Charles Goodhart and global trends

A single conference (2011) might be a one-off. The second (2013) a mere coincidence. But with number three (8 Oct) comes a strong hint that ECOBATE is now established in the sustainable economics and finance world. Prof Richard Werner (University of Southampton), again performed his conference double-act, providing a packed day for finance and economics people with…