4th European Conference on Banking and the Economy (ECOBATE 2016)
12 October 2016 | hosted by ARBE, organised with the support of the Centre for Banking, Finance and Sustainable Development, University of Southampton.

Quo vadis, Europe?

Since 2011, the ECOBATE has been covering important topics on how banks affect the economy and all of us. The unique format has been bringing together leading academics, business leaders and policy-makers, while being open to the general public and true open debate in the afternoon sessions.

The 4th European Conference on Banking and the Economy (ECOBATE 2016) will focus on the current momentous changes in the banking landscape, such as the process of centralisation that the European banking system is undergoing, “banking union”, negative interest rates, the proposals to ban cash and other current topics.

Who are the stakeholders, who is profiting, and what are the effects of the UK’s EU referendum on the economy as a whole? And how can relationship and community banking help the UK face the challenges of the near future?

Key session topics

  • Negative interest rates and their implications for financial stability and growth
  • Cash as medium of exchange
  • Post-crisis financial reform and monetary policies
  • Is the UK banking structure fit for purpose and the future?
  • Macroprudential regulation and monetary policy
  • Ethics in financial services
  • Sustainability and finance
  • Flow of funds
  • Monetary reform
  • Insurance vs. banking
  • Financial intermediaries and banks and economic growth

The Venue

The conference takes place in the historic city centre of Winchester, Hampshire, an ancient cathedral city and the former capital of England. There are two venues: University of Winchester Business School (academic sessions), Winchester Guildhall (public session).

Keynote Speakers

ECOBATE has a tradition of bringing together distinguished economists and academics hailing from leading universities, central bank resarch departments, think tanks and governments on the one hand, and experts and finance professionals with hands-on experiene of banking and finance on the other. Its unique feature is that the Conference aims to integrate local decision-makers, business leaders and civil society in general, by opening the late afternoon and evening programme to the general public.

Sir Vince Cable
former Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills

Georg Fahrenschon
President of the German Savings Banks Association

Professor David T. Llewellyn
Professor of Banking, Loughborough University

Professor Richard A. Werner
Founder and director of the Centre for Banking, Finance and Sustainable Development (CBFSD) at the University of Southampton, Professor for International Banking.

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg
former Minister of the Economy, Defense, Germany