The 5th European Conference on Banking and the Economy
Date: 27th March 2024
Location: West Downs Centre, University of Winchester, United Kingdom

The Fifth European Conference on Banking and the Economy (ECOBATE 2024), organized by the Association for Research on Banking and the Economy (ARBE) in collaboration with the University of Winchester, will cover a range of topics concerning digital technologies for finance, monetary economics and macroeconomics, covering theory, applications and policy. A particular, though not exclusive, focus will be the opportunities and challenges posed by the modern digital economy, including the rise of such innovations as fintech businesses and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). 

Conference Day Plan:

8.30: Registration; tea and coffee

9.00: Opening words: Professor Richard Werner

9.15: Keynote lecture (WDC Auditorium)
Professor Louis-Philippe Rochon: CBDCs and Central Bank Mandates

10.00: Q&A

10.15: Paper session (WDC Auditorium):

  • Alexey Upravitelev: “Experimental approach to financial literacy measurement”,
  • Felix Schäfer: “The impacts of capital requirements on banks‘ credit-creation,
  • Dr Sami Bensassi: “Combating trade-based money laundering: Do the Financial Action Task Force recommendations bite?”
  • Professor Meelis Ketsing “Navigating the regulatory landscape of artificial intelligence: scenarios and implications for the finance industry”

12.15: Lunch

13.15: Keynote lecture (WDC Auditorium): Prof. Emeritus Charles Goodhart: The Great Moderation

14.15: Paper session: in 2 parallel sessions;  

Session 1 (WDC403): Seigniorage, Public Banks, and the Future Monetary System

  • Dr Riccardo Zolea: Bank ‘extra-profit’? A Proposal for Public Banks
  • Dr Plamen Ivanov: Narrow Banking, FinTechs and CBDCs

Session 2 (online and WDC404)

  • Dr Achraf Mkhaiber: A Spatial Econometric Analysis of Local Banking – Growth Nexus: Evidence from the US.
  • Carlos Aroujo: “Public sector audits: digital tools to improve effectiveness and efficiency”

15.15: Afternoon tea/Coffee break

15.30: Keynote lecture (WDC Auditorium): Prof. Richard Werner: The continuing exploitation of former colonies – and how China broke out from the Western trap

16.30: Panel discussion: Professors Rochon, Werner, (Goodhart), Ketsing

17.30: Closing remarks by Professor Richard Werner & Ends


Please book at our Eventbrite page

If you are a student, please email with your: 

  • Full name and affiliation (university / other organisation, including country)
  • Status (student/staff/other)
  • Any special dietary requirements

You will be sent details of how to pay, together with full joining instructions.

The Fifth European Conference on Banking and the Economy (ECOBATE 2024)
Opportunities and Challenges of New or Centralised Digital Finance

  • Date: Wednesday 27th March 2024 
  • Location: West Downs Centre, University of Winchester, United Kingdom

The Fifth European Conference on Banking and the Economy (ECOBATE 2024), organized by the Association for Research on Banking and the Economy (ARBE) in collaboration with the University of Winchester, will cover a range of topics concerning digital technologies for finance, monetary economics and macroeconomics, covering theory, applications and policy. A particular, though not exclusive, focus will be the opportunities and challenges posed by the modern digital economy, including the rise of such innovations as fintech businesses and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). The organizing committee invites scholars, researchers, and experts to submit their work in all these areas, but particularly also concerning new directions in digital finance.

As the financial services industry has undergone rapid innovation since the 2007-2010 US and European financial crisis, propelled by advancements in big data, cloud computing, blockchain and other technological developments, new forms of digital finance have emerged as a facet of our lives. Such fintech and central bank responses challenge the long-established status-quo of the traditional banking industry and monetary policies designed around it, opening up both developmental opportunities and complex challenges.

Call for Papers

We encourage submissions that examine the opportunities offered by digital finance, including CBDCs, in achieving financial inclusion, enhancing financial efficiency, supporting innovation and entrepreneurship, promoting a green economy, and optimizing economic structures for high-quality development. Papers exploring the following themes are particularly welcome. 

  • Financial Inclusion and Efficiency:
  • Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Development
  • Environmental Sustainability and the Green Economy
  • Financial Stability, Regulatory Challenges, and Risks
  • Central bank digital currencies and cryptocurrencies
  • FinTech, RegTech and PayTech

We welcome submissions from diverse methodological traditions in economics. We encourage scholars to contribute to a pluralistic view of economic research, enriching our understanding of CBDCs and their implications. 

Important Dates:

  • Abstract submission deadline: 28 February 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: 6 March 2024
  • Conference booking deadline: 20 March 2024
  • Conference Date: 27 March 2024
  • Full paper submission deadline: June 2024 (t.b.c.)

Submission Guidelines:

  • Abstracts should be a maximum of 500 words and include the research question, methodology, and main findings of the paper.
  • Full papers should not exceed 8,500 words (excluding references and appendices).
  • Submissions must follow Harvard-style formatting.
  • Please submit your abstract or full paper as a PDF file to .

Selected papers will have the opportunity to be published in a special issue of a reputable peer-reviewed journal such as:

  • Review of Political Economy
  • Journal of Banking, Finance and Sustainable Development.

We look forward to your participation in ECOBATE 2024, where we aim to foster an inclusive and interdisciplinary discussion on the opportunities and challenges presented by CBDCs in the modern economy.

Conference Fee: £150 (standard); £50 (students)